Must agree to disagree. PETA has done more than any other animal rights Acura car logo full printing face mask organizations worldwide to rescue and rehab animals. I am proud to be associated with them as are many animal lovers everywhere.
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and Trophy hunters do hunt wild animals to the point of extinction but we can’t keep them all in zoos. We can support legislation to ban Trophy hunting and severely punish poachers. Acura car logo full printing face mask I think everyone watched this video because we are all animal lovers. So I hope we fight for good living conditions for these animals and not fight each other. Thank you for liking my lengthy reply. I wanted to address some of the comments to my original post. Sometimes your message gets lost and I wanted people to know that I think we all care about animals. We just may look at things in a different way.
Sorry, but we have to agree to disagree. I think I said all I needed to day in my previous reply so I will leave it at that. Except I don’t think people learn and build empathy for animals in a zoo. Children learn to care about animals living in their natural habitat as they should. PETA has been instrumental in helping close down so many zoos with animals in horrible conditions. I was happy to be a part of their cause and transferring animals to sanctuaries. PETA is one of, if not THE biggest killers if animals ever. All you have to do is search a little and learn about the horrid things they do. Oh, and children learn to care about animals from zoos. Most would never even see these animals outside of books. If it were not for zoos, many species would extinct.
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