My daughter ended up delirious and had to have mild sedation. This is how i save the world washington wizards full printing face mask The last thing she was thinking about was coughing into her elbow!!
This is how i save the world washington wizards full printing face mask
tell that to all the protestors – we haven’t had any real news or info from the white house other than blaming media or not answering direct questions- so I support all real life accounts of this disease being plastered everywhere until the deniers get it- it’s not a choice it’s real lives being lost every day all over the world. This is how i save the world washington wizards full printing face mask Anyone that doesn’t “believe” is foolish and selfish. We are the most spoiled and privileged country in the world – yet the die hard dumpsters are the first to whine and point fingers and do the opposite of stay at home. she did this so other people can take the virus seriously, of course she took care of her son before she did the interview and posted it. Come on now, think ya silly goose My daughter was recently in the hospital with many of the same symptoms as Lincoln.
I thank God she was negative for Covid 19 but she had adenovirus, double pneumonia and strep. I took pictures and videos, we did lots of Facetime when she was feeling up to it. She wanted her daddy too but we both weren’t allowed there so that’s the best we could do. I keep seeing comments about wearing a mask in his room but I didn’t have to wear any PPE because I would have been already exposed so that would have been a waste of already scarce PPE for the doctors and nurses. We were isolated just like you. They brought us food and drinks. Each shift her nurse only had her as a patient so they didn’t risk other patients getting it by going room to room. People saying that he is 4 and should be able to cover his mouth, my daughter is 6 and obviously covers her mouth typically but when they’re coughing so much, so hard and can hardly breathe, that’s not always the case.
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