Which, to not want what others have is a gift. Not sure what to do but I would like to help that family somehow. Charming butterfly anti-dust cotton face mask God please watch over this family guide and protect them and may that little girl always maintain her happiness.
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God our creator loves all. That is exactly what they believe. It’s not strange to cover yourself and keep yourself pure for the man or woman whom you love , it isn’t strange to take time out of each day to prostrate to God our creator and show total respect to him, it isn’t strange that a man and a woman are together for those kids, Charming butterfly anti-dust cotton face mask not some other ways like here in the US or other places, it isn’t strange that they believe in strong family values and stay close all thier lives to make sure everyone is taken care of, and not throw thier parents in a home somewhere and forget about them…. I love their culture because my husband is from Jordan and yes they have differences but it isn’t strange at all just different, big difference.
she doesn’t know better life. If she did she would be soo depressed. I know, becouse I come from a shithole, and I was happy when I didnt know all the creatures comforts. If I were to go back to shithole after knowing what I know now I’d probably die from depression. wow how completely clueless and egocentric is your post. You don’t seem to realize the point is not that she has nothing compared to you but she’s happy because she has so much more than she normally does thanks to the help of UNICEF. Get out of your box and don’t judge others by your narrow ‘standard’ That and it’s all she’s ever known. She’s may not feel like she has any less than other children.
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