we have cops out there doing what they do because they know everybody Dolphin mandala jigsaw puzzle everyone will back them up the courts the judges even the defense attorneys you’re in the courts pocket attorneys
Dolphin mandala jigsaw puzzle
the people have awoken and government is realizing they fucked up. You can only push your people so hard for so long before they realize what is happening and start pushing back. Dolphin mandala jigsaw puzzle It has started but will be a hard fight to get to where we should be. We have a constitution for a reason. Our founding fathers knew this would happen and tried to put basic rights in place to protect its people and even out the playing field. Corruption has always been here and is never going to be voided entirely but like I said The mind games and tricks have went on for far to long and they pushed to hard. In short yes corrupt police, government and people who refuse to understand basic rights and laws ruin this country.
As an FYI I’m also glad your not in this country. they’ve been taking it too far for too many years their fathers their grandfathers the world is changing they’ve taken our rights away from us for years the people are waking up and they need to did a lot of criminals out there wearing badges doing more than that jobs I have 80 people looking for trouble if they can’t find it they cause trouble that’s where it starts the judges in the courts they just as bad as a street officer’s They falsify court documents the courts help the police by falsifying manipulate new evidence like changing name inmate letter to anonymous letter with a picture of a letter with no return address it’s a joke the whole system’s a joke that’s why
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