jaw dropping intelligent questions. It’s like watching kids on YouTube I may live in the usa but my story began in mexico flag thinking they touched the world with their new makeup trick or how the can stand on their heads.
I may live in the usa but my story began in mexico flag
I don’t see any Chinese reporters getting angry at their president for the pandemic. He even accused the USA openly for bringing the virus and don’t see Americans getting angry at that at all Perhaps many Americans like you feel guilty for the pandemic deep in their hearts. actually he is a very smart man. I may live in the usa but my story began in mexico flag He knows when he is being set up by the communist liberal! Grow up! Don’t worry about how we choose to support or not support over on this side of the globe! Mind yours and your country’s business… we’ve got this over here! speaking of mind own business, only American govt mind the other business, they are sick in power, want to destroy the other country through inventing terrorist so they have reason to destroy the country.
everybody knows that Trump is an evil even here in Malaysia especially in Philippines. Trump is insane and madman. That’s all. todays reporters are terrible a 6 old could ask that question. Your never gonna get an ounce of respect for journalists out of me. the reporter was very unprofessional to him! nah, he has been lying about what happens in my country, so I’ll say the truth about his. we can’t mind our own business because something goes wrong in a third country guess who they running to so they can be saved…that’s right American!! I can promise you if we wanted to destroy that country it would have done been lit up like the 4th of July!! We have the privilege and as far as I know freedoms that they can’t even take advantage of by asking important
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