Look up the statistics of how many illegal immigrants kill American and rape. Duvel beer full printing face mask Not to mention how many drugs are seized at the border and I’m sure there’s a lot that there missing still coming in
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If they needed clothing here – they sewed them theirself. They came from relative comfort — to literally NOTHING – to struggle, hardship, hard laborious work. Duvel beer full printing face mask They were workers, builders, creators. ———– Today’s immigrants are exactly opposite — They come from ‘nothing’, expecting ‘plenty’. They do not have to build – they simply enjoy that which others have spent generations building When our (English) government became too restrictive and domineering – your ancestors and mine faced muskets, cannons and large numbers of trained and armed (English) military with nothing more (mostly) than farm tools. They picked up axes and shovels and fought off their opressors.
So, “No” your ancestors probably didn’t need a visa. and how many more would you have in the country?another 100 million!! Think again Sean!! I get it that it’s sad but laws are laws no matter what and especially your race does not matter. Trump has never had the intention of hurting inocent people Please take a little time to educate yourself about our laws. Asylum is not illegal. Even if it were, there is absolutely no excuse to take away a person child to punish them . My God, what happened to our humanity? I disageee with you cause he def is not doing this to white skinned Europeans that are here illegally. He seems to have a fetsish for the brown skinned. Just saying that’s the thing it’s not personal it’s literally ice. Everyone says he is racist no matter what. The whole point it’s to keep murders, drugs, drug dealers and rapist out of the country.

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