I am elated that my mother CHOSE to keep me, out of love and desire. Memphis tigers football carbon filter face mask Not obligation. And we both fight and defend and promote abortion access and reproductive rights clear across the board!
Memphis tigers football carbon filter face mask
If you no longer have EEG (regular wave patterns) you are considered “Brain Dead” which is considered the legal, medical, and scientific definition of death, despite your beating heart. Memphis tigers football carbon filter face mask This means an organism such as a fetus is, by definition, not alive due to lack of EEG. Which means a fetus CANNOT be murdered. By legal, scientific and medical definition, abortion IS NOT MURDER. You can have your opinion, but your opinion is wrong if it is against facts. Bodily autonomy bruh, learn it and love it. 6-“You’re so selfish! Think of all the infertile couples and other people who can’t have babies! Just give it to a family to love them!” Hell no.
That is a viable option for someone willing to remain pregnant and give birth. Plenty of people are NOT willing. Fertile people’s uteruses are not fetus factories for infertile couples. Their issues are no one else’s burden. Side note, being selfish is also NOT. A. CRIME. We can be as selfish as we want with our own bodies because they’re ours. 7- “ADOPTION!” While there are already hundreds of thousands of children waiting, we do not need to put more into the system simply because some people have issues with healthcare. 8- “What if your mother aborted you?! Be thankful she was pro life!” She isn’t pro life. If my mother had aborted me, I never would have been sentient to know or care or be aware. I would NEVER have wanted my mother to only keep me out of obligation. I would never want to have been FORCED on my mother.
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