Most men are abused financially and emotionally DC comics batman symbol filter activated carbon face mask if you look up the definitions of domestic abuse, that also drives some reasons on why husbands murder their wives. are you fucking retarded?
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Public Place with a loud mouth btch how can that be a private?? she made it PUBLIC! When you are acting a fool in public, expect to be filmed! really? DC comics batman symbol filter activated carbon face mask Guess you are the type to walk by is someone needed help. How can you not hear her foul mouth & take pictures, that’s evidence of disorderly behaviour & that poor kid. How dumb can you be lady. Evidence. That doesn’t apply. It’ll show the idiot loud mouth bitch how disgusting her behaviour was on a plane full of passengers, NO BLOODY RESPECT, SHE’S CRACKED IN THE HEAD, HURT AN INNOCENT PASSENGER, C’mon on lady, Get jiggy wit it. Read there was a time when people would be ashamed to act the way she did.
NO!! Private when it come to Pink people start a drama The first clip showing that woman cracking a laptop onto dude. What a terrible person to live with she must be. Can’t imagine coming home to her and have her physically and emotionally abusing this guy yes I agree hopefully he’s taken care of his situation if was him I’d flee from something like that . Anyone that would stay with a mentally insane person like that is foolish. It won’t get any better it will only get worse & worse until something bad happens. well said. It’s not to often we hear of men being abused. But it happens we don’t hear about it because most abused men stay quiet in fear of not being taken seriously, losing kids, losing the family home and have their future income given to their ex.
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