if we could really change our ways. I’m still deeply care for my country. Smiley icon all over printed face mask Florida has a huge retirement population and they have a 2.3% death rate.
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to prevent us becoming like Italy. Dump Truck CONTINUES to lie to the media about Covid 19, and only admitted it was a problem when the WHO declared a global pandemic and he couldnt sweep it Smiley icon all over printed face mask under the rug anymore. He chose to let it spread rampant and play GOLF instead of his JOB. it is a proven fact that masks do work. Look at the difference between Canada and the US right now. The difference is the US cares more about it’s individual freedoms and Canadians care more about each other. sometimes it’s better to care about each other you are absolutely right!! So many issues in America today could be solved if we cared more about each other. I keep saying this.
these “freedoms” infringe on the freedoms of others trying to avoid possible death. That’s utterly false. Canadians enjoy more individual rights than US plus those ‘individual rights’ are way more protected than US. lol don’t waste time telling them they don’t listen well I’m a dual and trust me I’d rather kick it with Canadians anyday but apparently because we don’t go around toting guns and yelling about our freedom, we must not have any. The death rate is higher because most of Canada’s deaths and cases occured in long-term care facilities which had older/more vulnerable populations. Time to jump off the Trump train. The koolaid’s drying up. I’m dual too, my husband and I from CA. I guess after arguing countless times with my own family (Republican side) , I’m a women on a mission. I’m trying to educate my fellows about how good it could be for America
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