She needs to realise we live in a multicultural world and she needs to embrace it. fishing couple and they lived happily ever after vintage poster my heart broke when she said that. English is one of the hardest languages to learn. And good for her.
fishing couple and they lived happily ever after vintage poster
And that old lady is so appallingly ignorant she thinks only ppl from Spain speak Spanish. You kind of doing the same thing. Thinking that just for her look she’s Mexican. fishing couple and they lived happily ever after vintage poster and you concluded to that in spite of her mexican accent? So where is she from then, genius? Guys does it matter where she’s from, what matters is that other lady was disrespectful and racist towards her, it’s lack of education thinking only Spanish people speak Spanish. I’m not sticking up for the aul biddy just pointing out a fact. How did she get trapped here??? Did she come illegally.. just curious and why cant she go back to her own country.. who’s keeping her trapped here..
is she forcefully being held here against her will..???? I feel sorry for her… makes me wonder.. haha I know her daughter she’s salvadorean I don’t mind if you got confuse is just that you’re doing the same thing as that old lady anyways. Not my intention to argue with rude people have a great day. it doesn’t matter is just that some people take it offensive when someone says all Spanish are Mexicans. And no matter where you from a human deserves respect. That’s it. But don’t do the same of the ignorant lady saying she’s from Spain. That’s the reason I pointed out. yes I know it is! but I was saying it to the people above bickering over where she’s from, no need to bicker about it no you are right people do deserve respect no matter if they are from Spain, Ireland, Mexico etc.
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