It has very little to do with dialect or accent and everything diving club dragon think less dive more vintage poster to do with imposing their ethnocentrism and intolerance on others they ridicule and scorn because they are different.
diving club dragon think less dive more vintage poster
Honestly, a woman like this should know better in this present generation, so she can train her kids to be great leaders in our contemporary society. I disproved this act! diving club dragon think less dive more vintage poster Back to the video, if the lady feel trapped here, find a better place to go. period the Ironie is she talks racist crap and says we don’t want the Nazis here what she is really saying is that I don’t want you living in America because I am a racist piece of shit. Because it’s not a free country. Not in every way not for everyone. We see injustice done every day to some American citizens and not to others. I am praying for tolerance. it is a free country. And plenty people move here that speaks
other languages and that’s okay. But they have to learn English to in order to speak with the one that was born and raised here. It would be easier and I think that’s what the lady was trying to tell her. I don’t speak Spanish. And if someone wants to speak Spanish they can but if they talk to me and want to communicate with me they would have to know some English I’ll do my best to try to know what they’re saying there is a difference between free country and dictating the woman was clearly dictating When people ignorantly say speak Anerican they are not referring to the nuanced point that you are trying to make but in reality saying, “This is my country. You are different and don’t belong. You are less than me so speak as I wish you to.”

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