and administrative systems have resulted in large variations in the content, format, personalized name life is better with stitch tumbler accessibility, and computerization of that system’s data. In addition, workers’ compensation databases often do not include injury and illness
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By the same token, it is reasonable to believe that employees in very small firms are generally aware of the injuries that occur in their workplaces and do not rely heavily upon access personalized name life is better with stitch tumbler to employer records to inform themselves about occupational hazards. In short, review and analysis of injury and illness records by very small business employers, or by their employees, may not be required for awareness of workplace conditions. OSHA also concludes that a very small business exemption limited to the routine recording and reporting of non-fatal injuries and illnesses will not seriously undermine the recordkeeping system. OSHA explained in Section I. of the preamble that there are three primary purposes for recordkeeping and reporting requirements. First, the
records are the foundation for national statistics published by the BLS on the number and rate of workplace injuries and illnesses, as well as their source, nature and type. Second, the records provide information useful to employers and employees in their efforts voluntarily to locate and eliminate workplace safety and health hazards. Finally, the records are useful to OSHA in targeting its enforcement efforts and in efficiently conducting its safety and health inspections. In response to these comments, OSHA notes that the injury and illness information compiled pursuant to Part 1904 is much more reliable, consistent and comprehensive than data from any available alternative data source, including those recommended by commenters. This is the case because, although some State workers’ compensation programs voluntarily provide injury and illness data to OSHA for various purposes, others do not. Further, workers’ compensation data vary widely from state to state. Differing state workers’ compensation laws
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