or the Global Network Initiative. Consider, for example, custom name us navy skull american flag camo full over printed shirt Yahoo’s problem with Chinese law. If we just “go global” with the principles of justice,
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Both Google and Yahoo want the United States government and other countries to make Internet freedom a top priority. “We have asked the United States government to use its leverage custom name us navy skull american flag camo full over printed shirt through trade relationships, bilateral and multilateral forums, and other diplomatic means—to create a global environment where Internet freedom is a priority and where people are no longer imprisoned for expressing their views online,” said Michael Samway, Yahoo’s vice president and general counsel . The Yahoo case raises the issue that different jurisdictions have very different laws concerning such human rights as freedom of speech. Indeed, it came as a shock to me to discover that in the United States, the right of freedom of speech does not apply on the Internet.
Parties to the Global-Economy Social Contract would agree to a Global Principle of Greatest Equal Liberty. So how can this principle be enforced over the various national jurisdictions? Any jurisdiction that found it important to restrict human rights such as freedom of speech would probably not be willing to enter into an international treaty not to restrict speech or other rights. An international agreement to end tax shifting would be more-or-less in the cooperative self-interest of all nations. But an agreement on human rights impacts only individuals. It is actually not clear that a transnational human rights authority would make things better, because an authority with enough power to override laws concerning rights within a country could easily become a global despot. The appropriate institution to improve the status of human rights under the Global-Economy Greatest-Equal-Freedom-Principle may be an institution like the civil society of NGOs, the Global Internet Freedom Consortium,
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