with no decline in demand or in profits. Such a situation would be us army skull american flag camo full over printed shirt most likely when there are few, if any, substitutes for the product or services offered
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the potential economic impacts of the final rule on small businesses in the regulated community to determine whether the rule has a significant impact on a substantial number of small firms. us army skull american flag camo full over printed shirt It builds on the analysis of economic impacts developed in the Economic Feasibility part of this section. The Agency has analyzed the impact of the final recordkeeping rule on small entities, as defined by the Small Business Administration and in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Among the covered SICs, average compliance costs as a percent of sales range from less than .00005% in several industries, such as SIC 29, Petroleum and Coal Products, to .0059% in SIC 593, Used Merchandise Stores.
Average compliance costs as a percent of profits ranges from less than .0005% in several industries, such as SIC 37, Transportation Equipment manufacturing, to .293% in SIC 523, Paint, Glass, and Wallpaper Stores. A common intermediate case would be a price elasticity of one. In this situation, if the costs of compliance amount to 1 percent of revenues, and prices are raised by 1 percent, then production would decline by 1 percent. In this situation, firms would remain in business and maintain the same profit as before, but would produce 1 percent less product. Consumers would effectively absorb the costs through a combination of increased prices and reduced consumption; this, as the court described in the ADA decision, is the more typical case. Specifically, if demand is completely inelastic (i.e., the price elasticity is 0), then the impact of compliance costs that amount to 1 percent of revenues would be a 1 percent increase in the price of the product,
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