encroach upon the latter’s train of constitutional and statutory powers. horror killers they know if youve been naughty they know if youve been nice ugly christmas sweater SECTION 15. Publication of Final Report. – On or earlier than December 31, 2012, the Commission shall render a comprehensive final report
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No. 1416, as amended by P.D. No. 1772, the abstraction of the Truth Commission, as fortified by the President’s energy to reorganize present in paragraph 2, horror killers they know if youve been naughty they know if youve been nice ugly christmas sweater Section 31 of the Administrative Code, is demonstrably permitted. My conclusion that the transfer of functions of a Department to the Office of the President falls within the President’s energy of reorganization is strengthened by jurisprudence. I am constrained to disagree as a result of, contrary to the ponencia’s holding, the President’s energy to reorganize is not limited by the enumeration in Section 31 of the Administrative Code. It is plain to see that the Truth Commission’s reality-finding and investigation into “reviews of enormous scale corruption by the previous administration” involve
policy-making on problems with basic concern to the President, primarily, corruption and its linkage to the nation’s social and economic improvement. SEC. 19. Powers Under the Constitution.—The President shall train such different powers as are supplied for in the Constitution. These “traces of demarcation” have been constantly recognized and upheld in all subsequent Organic Acts utilized to the Philippines, together with the current basic law, the 1987 Constitution. However, I discover myself unable to concur with Justice Mendoza’s considered opinion that E.O. No. 1 breaches the constitutional assure of equal safety of the laws. I agree with the ponencia that, given our liberal method in David v. Arroyo2 and subsequent instances, petitioners have locus standi to lift the question of constitutionality of the Truth Commission’s creation. I also concur with Justice Mendoza’s conclusion that the Truth Commission is not going to supplant the Office of the Ombudsman or the DOJ, nor impermissibly
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