Wolf explained everything perfectly and soundly, but I have one last question: If people used your life as a argument to kill pre-born children To my daughter never forget that I love you this old lion will always have your back the lion king blanket (saying they shouldn’t be born) how would you feel? I think what the world needs to do is stop saying that kids in foster care shouldn’t live because their lives will be hard.
To my daughter never forget that I love you this old lion will always have your back the lion king blanket
just food for thought i am so sorry about your lost. There is a reason for everything only God knows. Your children are not gone they are with Jesus and all the angels in heaven as we speak. They are still your children and if you ask God to show you them you will see them in your dreams. Trust me there was a reason. You will have a child Technically everyone is born either 7-9 months old but they go with birthdate bc To my daughter never forget that I love you this old lion will always have your back the lion king blanket that is the day you enter the outside world!! So technically you are 7-9 months older than your birthdate!!! I will never be silent about abortion. It is murder and in my humble opinion, when it was made legal, our society no longer valued life.
This is why our youth , especially, feel it’s okay to kill someone, along with the impact of violent media, video games. I will never be silent. The fact that a man does not have a womb, does not mean killing the innocent human being in the womb is right or he has no say. Anyone can be against racism of the African American culture and not be African American. Anyone can speak out against sex trafficking even though they were never trafficked.
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