We women have been shown from movies that men shouldn’t hit women The golden girls tv show ugly christmas all over sweatshirt but it’s OK for us to give him a slap across the face or to punch him in the arm or chest because we are weak and can’t hurt men much due to their strength.
The golden girls tv show ugly christmas all over sweatshirt
I was brought up not to hit woman and never did regardless of how many times woman attacked me for fuck all up untill i had my head cracked open by a girl for trying to defuse a situation now i dont give a fuck anymore Hey so let’s throw gender bending into the mix.. Is then it’s ok for a trans gender man to hit a woman than? The golden girls tv show ugly christmas all over sweatshirt Just trying to get all the rules straight. I have not agreed with whoopi the last few years but this time I can agree full heartedly. Don’t believe in hitting women, but that’s not fair to men.
It’s a different situation if the guy just beats his woman all the time, but it’s another situation when the woman hits him out of rage. He either going to knock the hell out of her or walk away. And that depends on how hard she hits him. Some women can really punch now. I know that if my man is super drunk he will hit me back if I hit him so I keep my hands to myself. We live in an age where men are victims of domestic abuse at the hands of women.
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