and or reported it to anyone ! We all know nothing would have happened to him anyway Ballet for life ballet dancer ballerina watercolor painting poster No one believed girls or woman back then they barely do now . If it was you or your daughter you would feel differently .
Ballet for life ballet dancer ballerina watercolor painting poster
no evidence no crime, you cannot convict a man past the statue and on hearsay! the only damn time i forgot any abuse, was when a small child, that’s how a child’s brain works, she wasn’t a small child and it wasn’t rape….her own words! What happened to the law. You are innocent until proven guilty. I drank in high school and Ballet for life ballet dancer ballerina watercolor painting poster went to parties. I would hate for someone to contact me now and say I tried to rape her. Yes I graduated high school in the eighties.
Does that make me a rapist? I know I never did anything like that. I have a lot of friends that would attest to this. It’s funny that her witnesses all say there was no party and that nothing she said happened plus she can’t remember most of it herself sounds fishy all around it’s just another stall watch thursday will come and she will have another excuse not to show The ironic part is every person defending Kavanaugh on here has never been sexually attacked at 15
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