and the greedy still makes fools of this nation. Baby yoda st louis blues full printing shirt We can do it better here in the USA? every Country that has tried socialism failed and they all said the same thing,Those other countries did it wrong
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so when everyone is equal who is making the money to pay people. Socialism lasts until the money runs out. No incentive for anyone to get ahead. There is no where where everyone is equal. you should study history instead of believing socialist propaganda. Look at Argentina, North Korea, Cuba, China, Baby yoda st louis blues full printing shirt Vietnam, the former Soviet Union among any other socialist country you can name. If you think it would be different
here you don’t know human nature. Wake up man!!! I have as no I will say this, white americans have no real sense of reality when you all have to change anything about your mental framework. Your fear is why racism is still prevalent and the greedy still makes fools of this nation. I have as no I will say this, white americans have no real sense of reality when you all have to change anything about your mental framework. Your fear is why racism is still prevalent
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