their lives do depend on it !! Baby yoda ottawa senators full printing shirt But they can’t see that simple fact instead they toe the party line and badmouth anyone who disagrees with them !!! Right Daniel Mullins right Chris Howell right Sherri J Patterson
Baby yoda ottawa senators full printing shirt
And look, it went into bankruptcy. But mainstream media didn’t say anything about it. Obama also wanted open borders. I pity your ignorance. I swear the more and more i hear people’s testimonials the more I think that party is like an “abusive spouse”….they pretend to care and are nice to you publicly for the benefit of Baby yoda ottawa senators full printing shirt whoever might be watching because they don’t want to look bad. All smiles and phony. Meanwhile they never actually do shit for you
and if you question them or do anything they deem wrong all bets are off and they verbally and as we’ve seen in a number of cases physically assault you as well as anyone else “on your side”. Fuck them for real lol Way to go. Only wish more demorats would listen to your intelligent reasoning. This would include White folks as well as Black folks. But then again, there are those who won’t leave the socialist/communist party even if their life depended on it, and it does.
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