Born between 1996 and 2012, Generation Z (often referred to as Gen Z) is now the youngest worker in society, and at the same time a new generation of consumers with unique characteristics that The previous generation did not.
Gen Z: a confused and open generation
Gen Z is the first generation born and raised in a world where the Internet has become a global phenomenon. They also grew up in an era of intense globalization, with the rapid development of many countries offering a striking balance in the quality of life and development opportunities, but also positioning challenges. individuals that previous generations did not have to experience.
Sociologist Ray Oldenburg suggests that a person usually has three living spaces – the first space is family and blood relationships or marriage, the second space is work or school – where children people spend most of the day, and the third space is where they establish voluntary social relationships, engage in informal activities, and have more creative freedom. With previous generations, this third space could be specific physical locations, but with Gen Z, the physical space is gradually giving way to the online world.
Social networks or media platforms with multi-dimensional interactions for previous generations are a new invention, but for Gen Z it is common sense – they can hardly imagine life without these features. this utility. That constant connection presents Gen Z with so many opportunities – they clearly live in a world where all boundaries have been blurred. This third dimension is no longer confined to physical limitations or acquaintance relationships – they become part of a world where borders, languages, ethnicities, religions, and cultural or educational backgrounds are no longer a barrier for anyone. Compared to all previous generations, they are more knowledgeable about global issues.
However, what challenges does this great opportunity bring? A recent McKinsey study of more than 41,000 participants spread across many countries found that Gen Z is the group of people who spend the most time on social media every day compared to other generations. It is worth noting that the more time people spend on social networks, the more problems they have with their psychological and mental health. In particular, women show that they face more negative problems from social networks than men. Issues identified include fear of missing out, pressure on body image, and loss of confidence.
Of course, we can’t just use social media to assess Gen Z’s mental health. However, a 2018 American Psychological Association study found that Gen Z is a group prone to problems with most stress disorders. In particular, some surveys during and after the COVID-19 pandemic show that this is the group that is most affected psychologically. In addition to the disease problem, factors that are a global problem today such as climate change, career opportunities, changes in technology, and other issues also become causes of stress disorder. in this group.
Despite numerous challenges, Gen Z is also the generation that feels most comfortable talking about their mental health. Social media is – again – the space of choice. Gen Z’s openness about mental health is a hugely positive sign. For generations past, mental health issues were often seen as embarrassing personal matters and were often hidden or at least impossible to discuss publicly. On the contrary, according to the American Psychological Association, it is thanks to the high awareness of this issue and the support from the same generation that Gen Z no longer hesitates to speak out about these issues in public spaces. as a social network.
However, the openness to acknowledge and discuss these issues does not lead to the initiative in seeking help from professionals. In contrast, according to the same McKinsey study mentioned above, Gen Z is the generation that is the least likely to seek the support of psychiatrists and psychologists compared to other generations. Their priority in overcoming mental health issues is also technology.
Psychotherapy apps are trusted by Gen Z and are more sought after than other communication options. While Gen Z leads generations in being proactive about finding information and support for their issues on digital platforms, emerging platforms like TikTok have also become the source of information they need. priority access. That may be good news for those working in the public mental health field, but it also poses certain risks. Given the fact that the quality of information on social media platforms is becoming increasingly difficult to control, will Gen Z’s preference for these technology platforms expose them to new problems in the future? healing journey or not?
Gen Z – with the responsibility to shoulder the future of society – probably also does not want to be labeled as an unstable generation. Every generation before that, in their youth, had gone through their own crises. But, there is no denying that Gen Z is the most knowledgeable generation of human society, and that luck also brings them unique pressures. However, like every other generation, they will eventually find a way to reconcile with themselves and move society forward.
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