Know that nobody would leave him during him suffering I am not a mom. Air force american flag eagle head filter activated carbon face mask but I do understand the family and what they are going thru. I am an early educator. I will never leave my kids alone in daycare when they sick let alone if I am his mom
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Anyone who agrees with this female, so you’d rather let your child suffer alone than be by their side? Fuck all that. My son dies, I’m dying too. I have no reason to stay on this earth if he’s not here. Air force american flag eagle head filter activated carbon face mask I don’t have kids but i tell you what. I see a mother whos love for her child is so strong that im sure she didn’t care about catching it or having it. She was gonna be there for her child. Everything else is irrelevant. you’re missing Kelly’s point. The mom is so much more likely to be exposed since she was probably in close contact with her positive child at home.
There is a significant possibility she is an asymptomatic carrier. Protective equipment is meant to keep hospital staff from exposure not only from the child but also possible from the mom. when your a parent you dont think about that you think about what to do next to help your child. when you have kids you stop being selfish just saying . so if you cant let that go do not have a child I wouldn’t care if my children has the black plague, I choose to be there next to them, risking my life so I can make sure my son feels comforted, loved , and know hes ok because the people who love him are with him helping him fight this.
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