but one that steers our intention in life towards true connection and true understanding. Autism awareness turtle it’s ok to be different quilt Loving my children unconditionally is one of the hardest things I learned (and I’m still learning) in my whole life.
Autism awareness turtle it’s ok to be different quilt
it curbed my appetite made me depressed, made me angry, and when I was in the second grade because I liked to talk alot… deff not hyper at all IV alwyasnbeen about Autism awareness turtle it’s ok to be different quilt a lazy kid just friendly and loved talking… my 2nd grade teacher told my mom to put me on this medicine because I talked to much. I was in a class with only 8 other kids. I went to a little Christian school. And the teachers kid also went to that school so glad me and her daughter weren’t in the same class. I got held back because my mom made me spend my summer going to school to school to take tests and I just circled whatever on all the tests and didn’t even try so obviously
I failed and didn’t go into the third grade… which was really just a blessing for me cause even tho I was older then everyone else I still made better friends in that group then the other group of kids. This a flawed experiment due to the fact that the second time you did the same tests you would naturally perform slightly better, even without taking Ritalin… It seems our children are the greatest teachers for revealing and awakening this deep level of love within us… Then once unlocked, it permeates into our lives and our other relationships, as well as our outlook on life and our place in the Universe… Our children are the most powerful and profound teachers. One of those pieces of awareness that we may take a lifetime to truly practice as second nature,
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