she could have been a carrier and not know and pass it on. surely, Baby yoda detroit pistons full printing face mask if it was covid she has opened herself up to catching it, and taking it around with her
Baby yoda detroit pistons full printing face mask
The nurses would be in full PPE to go into this room. And finally, when someone is struggling to breathe, covering their mouth is the last thing they’re thinking of, especially a young child. Baby yoda detroit pistons full printing face mask And no, a mask is not warranted when a person is in a negative air flow room. Why wasn’t she in PPE and she’s visiting her sick son in a hospital. I worked in nursing homes before where even when a patient have a a transferable sickness their required to wear ppe from masks,gowns, gloves. She now has been exposed to the virus and brings it home to the rest of her family. What kind of hospital is that that doesnt allow visitors of the sick to wear PPE? Something doesn’t add up here, just like this whole “pandemic”.
Watch your words as you write…The hospital did not have PPE..So it was limited…When u can not breath the mask is hard for kid ..He is only 4years old …they are learning personal hygiene…Be kind with you words… I don’t care what anyone says if my child that was my child i would not do anything to scare him or make him feel afraid i would want to keep him as calm and relaxed as possible and that meant not wearing a mask then so be it and i certainly would not force a mask on a child that can hardly breath to begin with and it would spread to anyone else because i would leave that hospital room until my child did but she’s a doctor. that instinct to protect her son and herself should have kicked in. i went to get an infusion yesterday, and no one is allowed in without a mask and keeping it on during the entire time.
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