I’m glad the kid is better but it’s fishy that she is seen without a mask. Baby yoda dr pepper full printing face mask And the nurses I know have to keep using the same PPE for the entire day because of the shortage, there is no discarding it right now.
Baby yoda dr pepper full printing face mask
what i’m actually scared with is they are bringing back the stuff they used in the hospital. Stuff that probably has virus on them because the boy kept on coughing all over the room. Baby yoda dr pepper full printing face mask It’s scary that they will go home with these items. people is getting sick for other afecttions , Hospitals are being paid for every covid patient 19. They receive orders from above that all the people who are dying are from covid, all this fucking videos are lie,They are sick for not this coronavirus … Coronavirus exists But government lie to his people totally agree. She would not have been allowed out of that ward. I look after people with Covid and they have a mask, we have extensive PPE on. But we don’t know the whole story. Yes we would all do that for our child, but actually we aren’t allowed. Perhaps it was Becise she was a doctor.
It’s so sad that people can’t have family around them. But corona is a bastard. I’ve heard many doctors speak out that a mask doesn’t help the one wearing it, the mask is for those who have it…to keep their droplets when they sneeze or cough to not get on someone else who doesn’t have it. If she was wearing a mask, the only help for her would be keeping his droplets from hitting her mouth area, he can still cough, sneeze talk and get his droplets on the rest of her body. Patricia the virus only stays in the room?!! C’Mon that is not what they have been telling us. Saying it can live on your clothes up to 12 hours and in your hair. It is very weird that she isn’t in protective gear or even have a mask on. Why would they risk her getting sick as well? If she did she wouldn’t be able to take care of her child.

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