we also need people to understand how serious this virus is people Baby yoda filter activated carbon face mask please stay safe for yourself and others The illness is not death 99% of the time.
Baby yoda filter activated carbon face mask
Was the economic boom a lie????? Sounds like it to me. That man is a proper leader, he has the well being of everyone in mind. Trump wants it to be business as usual probably because his billionaire financiers Baby yoda filter activated carbon face mask and backers are losing money and he needs them for re election. This crisis has proven what a danger Trump is to the American people. But you could extend that same public health arguement to closing down all interstate commerce to prevent highway deaths. Then who will deliver your food? You have to draw a line somewhere, there is always risk. It’s pretty selfish to say that trucker has to risk his life to feed you so you can stay home safe I don’t like everything about what Cuomo has done ( jail reform) BUT……
He’s a pro during this unprecedented unchartered time! He’s a leader, he doesn’t insult the interviewer, his ego is in check and his energy is put into solving the problem. Not boosting and congratulating himself. OMG who is she, apparently she has no common sense and God Bless him for keeping his cool. He has done a great job leading us through this horrific situation! He is what a leader should be!!! All of those who want to protest and push for everything to reopen should have to volunteer at a COVID-19 testing facility dealing with those that are sick or at a hospital who needs more help with COVID-19 patients. Most of them don’t believe that virus is real so it can’t hurt We need a hero here when everything is going upside down please continue to help the nurses and staff
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