where the woman was expected to stay at home Baby yoda hold coors light steel tumbler and look after the kids and house! I’m grateful I grew up in a time that if it was broken, if it did beat me up, if it did belittle me ect ect I could discard it!
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and grit to handle what might be thrown at them. Everybody wants to live in their home and not see a homeless person and reach out with a hand and pray with them. Our world has grown cold. A while ago someone I was dating/talking to said he loves me it was not even two weeks of talking and I told him Baby yoda hold coors light steel tumbler please don’t say that because you don’t mean it he actually got really mad an for mad because I wouldn’t say it back Love this
but the flipside is that the person who caused the “broken” in the relationship needs to be willing to make things right. Oftentimes it’s the other person who will do anything to make it work while the other person refuses to pull their weight. Love should not let us become fools. I mean I love you when I say it. I mean it more and more every time if I continue to say it. Saying it without meaning it is shitty. But if u mean it, say it as much as u like. It will never be over used You grew up in an era
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