it cannot be said that 100% of their time is engaged in work-related activities. personalized name jameson irish whiskey tumbler Employees engage in personal and social activities while traveling on company business
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from the physician or other licensed health care professional before the employee can return to work. OSHA believes that the employer is capable of, and often in the best position to, personalized name jameson irish whiskey tumbler make return-to-work decisions. The final rule includes examples to illustrate how employers are required to record injuries and illnesses occurring at home. If an employee drops a box of work documents and injures his or her foot, the case would be considered work-related. If an employee’s fingernail was punctured and became infected by a needle from a sewing machine used to perform garment work at home, the injury would be considered work-related . If an employee was injured because he or she tripped on the family dog while rushing to answer a work phone call, the case would not be
considered work-related. If an employee working at home is electrocuted because of faulty home wiring, the injury would not be considered work-related. The final rule also includes provisions at § 1904.5 for determining the work-relatedness of injuries and illnesses that may arise when employees are working at home. When an employee is working on company business in his or her home and reports an injury or illness to his or her employer, and the employee’s work activities caused or contributed to the injury or illness, or significantly aggravated a pre-existing injury, the case is considered work-related and must be further evaluated to determine whether it meets the recording criteria. If the injury or illness is related to non-work activities or to the general home environment, the case is not considered work-related. While the employee is traveling for the benefit of the company,
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