who have had jobs for years, Better together jack johnson lyrics poster the middle class is disappearing, my father for instance who is almost 60 years old JUST paid off his student loans a few years ago after already being 50 years old,
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I love this country where anyone can find work and education and religious freedom. The millennial parents are the biggest culprits for failing and sabotaging their millennial morons; gross over-coddling, over-entitlement, over-indulgence, no discipline, no valuable training/life skills, Better together jack johnson lyrics poster t no morals, no conscience, over-the-top self-worship, narcissism, vanity and an insane need for attention
and internet false fame. Millennials are not an issue. 22-37 year olds are not an issue. The issue is that they have to work so so much harder than their parents did. They can’t afford houses, you have to work 3 jobs to be able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment on min wage, college is more expensive than before, in some countries like the UK its harder to find jobs so they have to rely on their parents
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