My 4 year old son for example has a heart condition. My 45 year old cousin has diabetes. Bigfoot and blue moon filter activated carbon face mask My otherwise very healthy mum has high blood pressure and asthma. All of them have value and shouldn’t die from this virus.
Bigfoot and blue moon filter activated carbon face mask
Sarcasm aside, it actually is sad and heartbreaking when someone dies before their time, no one is saying otherwise.
However, shame on you for using their death as a weapon. Bigfoot and blue moon filter activated carbon face mask You should feel ashamed for trying to change my mind with “don’t you feel empathy for these people?” Of course I do, but that won’t change my opinion. The great depression from this lockdown will cause just as many deaths as this virus will and the virus will still be lingering around for another relapse later in the year. What’s worse than that is that the second strain will be even worse due to it evolving and there being no herd immunity to it.
Only I’d they have some sore of health issues already. Coronavirus (common cold) doesn’t often even harm people. Is a si.ple 24hrs cold. It is flu season… The media continously calls covid19 the Coronavirus. They are not the same! Do some research. Stop being a sheep. so sad that our health care workers will have to take the fall for ignorant people. ): My husband works in a nursing home that is losing staff and residents alike. Everyday the numbers are growing. It’s incredibly sad that people are not taking this more seriously. even if it were ‘just’ the elderly or those with underlying conditions, they still count. They are not disposable dysfunctional human beings.
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