A lot of old children on here, demanding Momma Gubment take care of them. But first coffee carbon pm 2.5 face mask It’s almost like none of them have ever picked up a history or economics book.
But first coffee carbon pm 2.5 face mask
but Bernie’s delusional ideas are far worse. “The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money” -Margaret Thatcher Your exactly right!! But first coffee carbon pm 2.5 face mask I’ll try to find it but there was an article that said Nancy Pelosi was taking millions from Medicare to fund the impeachment inquiry! Democrats are too focused on impeachment of someone they don’t like and have done nothing for the American people. Insanity!!
Most Americans paid for their healthcare all of their working days and guess what seniors pay for it out of their social security check today! If anyone deserves free healthcare it’s seniors and truly disabled Americans not illegals! Fire departments ambulances none of that is free we pay for it out of our taxes out of our homeowner taxes nothing’s free get that through your thick heads it is not free they’re going to raise the taxes to where nobody can survive in this country

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