and vote for someone more qualified next year, Camouflage army military anti pollution face mask and let entertainers be entertainers instead of president. I’m not really a fan of this genre of music… but I admire his.
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everyone will have their opinions, political or not if you don’t like what he has to say… than just shake your head and keep on moving because it doesn’t affect you and your well being… does it? Camouflage army military anti pollution face mask Im sure he has hurt plenty of peoples feelings… but guess what? He’s living his best life and how about you live yours instead of complaining about someone else’s opinion!we all have a voice, just because he’s famous doesn’t make him less human. We all have something to say about our president, whether it be good or bad… it’s not exactly affecting his presidency… he’s still in office hun have a good day our president is on Twitter!!
This post wasn’t political at all, it was just about his life. You took it there. You did that. Everyone is allowed their voice, no exceptions. His freestyle about Trump was whack anyhow. Showed he was just another tired has-been latching onto someone more relevant than them. He dragged himself with that, just like you. agreed. He was the one who said he didn’t want trump supporters as fans so his loss So many people butt hurt cause someone like Eminem finally had the balls to come out and say THE TRUTH about the “president” – a racist misogynistic scumbag of a man thats going to bring world war 3 to America and the world. I love Eminem but didn’t know he was a PRESIDENT TRUMP basher, I guess my love for our President is stronger than my love for Eminem! Thanks for sharing!! you voted for an entertainer. So please, take your own advice,

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