Incase you didn’t know guess where it started CHINA Cat american flag that question was indeed not a good one why does it matter that we have lower deaths then China making it a competition at this point it’s not a comp.
Cat american flag
There is nothing we can do to change his personality. But hes still the President regardless. Hes no God no King just a president for 4 years. Just go out and vote. Cat american flag Just like they say when you get old you turn into a child again . I think he’s going through that phase at this point take notes he knows nothing .#1 #2 worp speed we heard them words used when we us to watch captain America. And he copies the logo from star track the next generation. Talking bout he made a brand new space military. ‘ “UNBELIEVABLE ” How will we ever let a child run this country when they’ll do nothing but destroy it . As this big kid is doing right now .
This kid needs a big time out . And a long ass nap. He played with our loved ones lives that should be where we the adults draw the line. He must be put him on it in 2020 and removed like he should have been when he was impeached. If he was removed then maybe it would have never been this bad. We are voting for our lives at this point. for one wtf are you even talking about. Did you even read my comments? For fuck sakes they were reaching hard asf with this if you can’t see it then you are brain dead not my problem. so rude is racist now that’s good to know you people are ignorant and don’t know what racism is he said ask China cause xx

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