instead of being covered with God’s divine glory, they became flesh and thought they could be like God. Child of god anti-dust cotton face mask We are now imperfect only through Jesus Christ as our Saviour can we get back the original relationship with God
Child of god anti-dust cotton face mask
Only a fool blames their art for being imperfect. Why would you create beings that are imperfect, only to then blame them for their imperfections? Children will always disobey. Disobeying doesn’t mean eternal damnation though does it? If the god you worship is true, it is absolutely mental! My comment was in response to someone else’s nonsensical drivel. Child of god anti-dust cotton face mask Nothing to do with the video. The video is very sweet, but it has nothing to do with god. People want to insert their gods into everything. Instead of simply valuing life for what it is. you are wrong. Good people who don’t believe in any god, either by choice or lack of knowledge, aren’t condemned to hell. I was born catholic and now I dont believe in the concept of the god almighty, merciful and punisher that sends you to hell because you are a sinner or simply don’t believe in god.
Hell and heaven are a man made ideology, people who don’t believe aren’t punished because of their beliefs. On the other hand, those religious extremists who pursue, punish and commit atrocities in the name of religion should go to hell, but karma is around waiting for the right moment to make things right, somehow… not god. unicef is the one involved with the girl and all those refugees. If you can’t see that look again. Unicef is helping those refugees, of course they are living in poverty! At least they have a place to stay, and food. Unicef can only do so much, it isn’t a magic wand! That is why we have repentance and forgiveness. All Adam and Eve had to say we where wrong and I’m sorry., forgive me Father ((God – they had a relationship with God), but they didn’t;

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