Or give them to me so I can love them unconditionally unlike you two. Christmas disney family shirt stop blaming the world for your decisions. Everyone has choices. I have made mistakes and so have you but I blame SELF, not everything and everyone else. It’s called responsibility.
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why are you addressing me with all of that. You think it easy for a parent to see THAT?? You sound silly, like that’s normal. Other than being bullied, many commit suicide and have problems because many have been sexually abused. as children. Many that I know have been. It doesnt stem from not being able to wear a dress and makeup!!! exactly how I feel he did an amazing job raising his son . Christmas disney family shirt He didn’t fail his son his son failed himself .act as if he’s dead and move in from him rembet him cauce he’s no longer normal it is normal! It has always been around.

Its people like you that have kept them in the closet. Of course its not easy especially with a ignorant mind. But guess what!? Its not your life or your choice. And what the fuck does bullying and sexual abuse have to do with being trans? I know MANY trans woman who came from amazing house holds, never abused, they are trans because this is who they are! I come from Olympia. Where its not just welcome but we have trans night at gay bars. And if you would rather act like your son is dead then suck it up and accept them as who they are and see that they are finally happy. then dont have children!
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