Why were the attendants standing around? Get them away from each other in the first place!!! DC comics joker always smile filter activated carbon face mask Mace her!! Guttermouth. u should understand universal ethics! Women are the new abuser.
DC comics joker always smile filter activated carbon face mask
they suffer the most seems to me like people were pretty upset with them lol and they both for charges so I don’t see your point. it was 7 weeks ago bro get over it DC comics joker always smile filter activated carbon face mask i don’t even remember what i wrote and still you people are stuck on it again it happens in your country not mine you don’t have to write a whole paragraph about i get it jeez people can’t understand a simple opinion men has abused women for decades just look at the records of America every 2 married women out of 10 are abused hold back assaulted in india every 20 mint a women is raped i’m not taking the side of the woman this woman should be in jail every single person of this world knows
men are stronger than women they can easily defend themselves so get over if there are double standards in your country then i sincerely apologize for my comment but just look at pakistan india Afghanistan Nepal saudi arabia whole Asian continent treat women like the dirt of their feet I wish someone would punch her in the mouth and knock her teeth out. She’s trash I find that woman pathetic and she’s embarrassing herself. He needs to toss out the trash. yah the poor guy this freak of a woman is dangerous and could even kill this man .i truely hope he never goes back to that animal. Theyre laughing at the ridiculousness and absurdity on the women. No one is defending her. She was obviously crazy and deserved to be arrested. I dont get how you dont see that

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