The problem is, like mass shooters, they are not going to select places Disney lilo and stitch 3d hoodie where guns are clearly allowed. A lot of places screen for weapons before you go in and it’s Antifa waiting on the outside for people who have been screened for weapons. like most elites, was pro-fascist.
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He even gave speeches in which he praised Mussolini. Where do think they got all the money to rearm and were allowed to do so? It was only later that it become economically and politically unfeasible, that he attacked the Germans, whose towns and factories the English bombed for 3 months before the Germans finally retaliated. I assume you’re referring to point C, Disney lilo and stitch 3d hoodie but I wasn’t “calling” any one group those “names” but was rather identifying several different groups: I didn’t see a good spot to add a semi-colon.
If you don’t think Antifa are fascists, you’ve been drinking their kool aid. Try walking around them wearing a pro-capitalist shirt, or pro-Christian, or pro-life, or pro- Republican shirt. You are defending real haters. If you believe in the new world order, then you should be smart enough to know literally everyone in government is a puppet and they’re all pushing us towards it Our Forefather’s wrote the laws into the constitution to bare arms. Anyone who wants arms taking are either an anti-christ or terrorist plotting to siege America once disarmed. To be disarmed would be radically stupid on our freedom going forward. Infact we should by thanks too!
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