and they turn you over to a collection agency? Dog labrador i am your friend poster Which, in turn, demands CASH to clear it off your credit or you can’t buy a car or home? Socialism
Dog labrador i am your friend poster
on average leave canada for healthcare. And from the US 1m plus leave the USA for healthcare, canada being the most population medical tourism destination. I’ve heard from other Canadians that hate it. I guess it depends on your health and how often you might need a specialist. That’s why many Canadians come to Dog labrador i am your friend poster America if they have poor health, or need surgery. The wait time is a killer, if the government decides your a lost cause,
you won’t receive help. Many surgeries are canceled do to lack of doctors, so, with what I know the things I have heard and read about socialized medicine, I think I’ll pass. Aseltine they have no reason to lie about it. They are trying to worn us of what we are going to face if the socialists take over our government here in America. We know the truth, we have seen time and time again what happens to a socialist nation. You mean like in the U. S. when one can not afford the inflated costs of medical

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