I hope that bitch ov a mom goes to jail for what she dun. That was disgusting. Let’s all shush n say nowt n let the mom do woteva she wants cos the mom has a kid. Donkey and co bath soap wash your hooves poster She didn’t touch the kid. She was tryna calm the child down cos she was crying and upset and her mom was just ignoring her. The mom was the one in the wrong all the way thorough this shit.
Donkey and co bath soap wash your hooves poster
actually think she said she was checkin to make sure child would be ok, and more than once, as evidenced by video, it was deemed necessary coz mother was indeed acting cray cray! Donkey and co bath soap wash your hooves poster The baby was crying and the lady came over and tried to tell her how to look after her own child. Somtimes you have to ignore there tantrums otherwise if you feed it they will just keep going.. you dont know what shes doing so if shes not hurting the child in anyway then leave her to be a mum to the child she pushed out of her

own daym twat FFS!! The stranger should of been removed well before it got this far. I have no sympathy for the stranger in any way shape or for. Spitting or hitting, she brought it on her self. She stirred the whole thing so self inflicted. The lady only spoke to the child as the child was upset and crying and the dumb rude mom was ignoring her baby talking on her phone. Take care of your child and dont blank her then strangers wouldn’t feel the need to try comfort your child. The lady was tryna help the poor kid.
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