Cuomo basically just said that nobody dies from domestic violence. Dragon ball z symbols filter activated carbon face mask And to ignore that economic hardships can lead to suicides doesn’t help either. ”Is a matter of death” your family, my family, their family!!!
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The rest are getting paid to work. You have the option to go work at an essential business. If you owe child support and you don’t get benefits it is your time to think of your wrongdoing. Dragon ball z symbols filter activated carbon face mask The main thing is, I don’t FEAR death! I’m washed in the blood of Jesus Christ and will live forever! On that note open our states on a state to state! Maybe not NY but other states can do this! Not true. It has been shown there are great protocols that wipe out the virus very quickly. THAT is what needs to be reported. How people can get hold of what will make them well—THIS is what should be shared rather than more fear tactics and strong-arming to ruin our economy. Thank you Gov. Cuomo!!!
He illustrated perfectly why you can’t rationalize with a Trump supporter. They just refuse to believe logic and reason. Please talk about the anti virus solution, to heal the sickness and death, not the economy, work, or money. Business are closed worldwide, find the remedy for cure, don’t discuss on economy for there are abnormality in the cycle of trade in the market. Food and medicine are to be priority of living. After the fight against covid 19 ends. Then discuss the rehabilitation of the economy as follows. Let that heifer go to one of the hospitals that are taking care of COVID-19 ppl and work there! Bring #45 with her for moral support. Or just STFU! We have to be honest here… Saying domestic violence doesn’t equal death is an ignorant statement.

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