Just another feel good governor doing jack shit for the common people, Dragon fire filter activated carbon face mask trying to figure out how to use it politically! Bullshit ! This illness is not Death !
Dragon fire filter activated carbon face mask
Says the man sitting comfortable still getting paid his huge salary. Condescending clown. Many essential workers require university degrees, college trade certificates and/or experience in the position. Dragon fire filter activated carbon face mask If u don’t want people (the “we”)to go back to work out of desperation to feed and house their families, get $$$ to them so they survive. They might not get the virus staying home but they can’t start boiling their leather shoes to eat either. I can’t believe the people on here who can’t see anything except the virus, I suspect u all have your freezers and pantries stocked from hoarding and don’t have money issues. Wrong all of his examples can lead to death also. Economic hardship lead to suicide (death).
Domestic Violence can lead to murder(death). Driving my car could lead to an accident that could kill me(death). Be smart. This virus is becoming as common as the cold. Yes it can kill you, but so can the flu, pneumonia, the common cold, RSV. Be smart, if your not felling well stay home. Practice good sanitation, be conscious of your and others personal space. This is not hard, but plummeting our country into an economic catastrophe will have way more lasting effect than this virus. This from a politician sitting in a room with more people then we , the simple citizen, are allowed to gather with. Not wearing any mask while he advocates that we should all be doing so. While they, the state of NY refuse to shut down public transit, which has been shown to have caused a lot of the transition of the virus!
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