Exactly nowhere in the constitution are you entitled to a job. Dragon game of thrones filter activated carbon face mask Only to make a living which you can do from home. Go plant a garden. Sew some masks. Sell crap on eBay. Be an essential worker??
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Acting like ten year olds and not allowing the health care industry to enact test system, and comply with these public health mandates is complete foolishness. Dragon game of thrones filter activated carbon face mask Then my husband’s company is rental and staging. Their jobs are large gatherings. Sho they got a grant/bailout $ on ther stipulation they go back to work monday and stay open for 8 weeks. If they choose to stay on unemployment, their jobs will be terminated. They can reapply but they start over. Then you got this video, our state is peaking right now and he has to risk his life for less money or risk losing everything career wise to stay safe! Sounds like a great bailout. I don’t like this guy comparing the death equal to no financial crisis!
It’s same ! When people don’t have money and their family to feed?? Then it’s death ! Same thingAll you people fail to realize this is nothing but political propaganda and and financial gain for the big pharmaceutical companies this is their way of trying to make a paperless society and for have everyone chipped wake up people they saying almost every person that gets sick it’s coronavirus I have yet to see anyone die from heart disease liver disease not to mention cancers it’s all a political stunt and the pharmaceutical companies are paying these politicians to keep feeding it out Couple of weeks lag??? Most people I know have been waiting 7 weeks and still nothing. He may be a good speaker and good debater…but he lies about too much for me to approve.
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