I would be right there with him in that room just like that mother was come hell or high water Ducati death skull full printing face mask and there is not a person or thing in this entire fucking universe that would keep me away from my child when they were sick.
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I hope u are never tested, but I bet u would rise to the occasion better than u ever could imagine. This was so painful to watch… my kids are grown now but even so, if I watched them suffer this way I don’t think I could handle it… Ducati death skull full printing face mask I can’t even imaging what this mother went through watching her little 4 year old suffer. And not knowing if he’ll get better? She was so calm and kept her cool for her baby. Amazing mom! Thank goodness he recovered. iam a mother that have been in situation in the hospital with my daughter in critical conditions she actually comment on my comment she knows but its not all mothers even loving their children
to the moon and back are strong enough to be by themself looked in a isolated room watching their child suffering so i’m not downplaying what she did but you have to be strong to handle it some are and some arent at the end we find our strength through God alone you have your beliefs and I have mine. Her Angels were healthcare and anyone who helped also those that give hope. You strike me as one that has an opinion on what others say, and you have every right but Im also allowed to have an opinion. So have a nice day. Stay safe Clearly those of you that didn’t listen to the video or read about it, this little boy did have COVID and yes his mother was with him isolated in his room. Yes there are supposedly no visitors for adult patients but for child patients I guarantee you the parent can stay. because let me tell you something If one of my sons got sick with this

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