I hope your daughter pulls through and has a full recovery. Ducati motor symbol anti-dust cotton face mask Do you really know anything about God!? Take time and find out who God is and what is capable of!
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David so all I’m going g to say is read the bible then and may God truly bless you with his word , which is the only truth in this world .. Just think of if you died today where would you want to be heaven or hell. Ducati motor symbol anti-dust cotton face mask They both exist just as Jesus and the devil exist. It’s your choice ..God gave us that will. nurses are also better then invisible virus too..You may not see God but you don’t see this virus either. Please it’s a free country don’t down people because they believe different then you. this is why we’re going thru this now too many people want to think they are god when their is only one Creator that is connected to the whole universe!
When we start to be grateful for the breath that gives us life and realize the our bodies are just dust without the energy from the Most High Yah. He gave us free will and we continue to take life for granted so don’t blame God. No matter how bad it gets our creator can fix it. But don’t blame the creator for people not taking care of themselves! Never mention God to a democRAT. They squirm and get the heebeejeebees because they think they have nobody to answer to but themselves. You see what I mean they think they are God lol. Just pray 4 them! Everyone has a right to their faith or not. How about a little compassion? I have children of my own and can only imagine what you and your family must be going through.
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