My mom would never lay down and listen to my dad command her. Fireball whisky cinnamom full printing shirt And divorce was never not an option. They just never let it become a fix for something that compromise and discussion could fix.
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You based this on the majority of people you know 45+ married at a time when women were expected to listen, obey etc. I’m 63 and that was NOT a thing when I got married 37 years ago. It was more of a thing when my mother got married in the 1950’s. Divorce was already no fault in most states Fireball whisky cinnamom full printing shirt when I married. Marriage is tough. There are always rough goes, and I’ve wanted to walk away many times (I’m sure he did too).
But there is something beautiful about building a life with someone and fixing it when it’s broken instead of tearing it apart with your own hands. And it gets sweeter on the other side … now that we are older & on our own again, we have a life rhythm we share only with each other. My parents were together for over 30 years and neither of them would ever agree with what you wrote. They very much agree with “we fixed things” and we were taught to do so in our own relationships by watching theirs.

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