because American healthcare is among the most expensive on the planet, Floral sloth carbon pm 2.5 face mask and we can take the insurance companies for that and various medical lobby groups. Most powerful nation in the world, with the shittiest healthcare coverage,
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cute use of false equivalence. Governments exist to protect the people (military) and provide law and order. If the federal government is reduced and reined in with the limits imposed by the Constitution, Floral sloth carbon pm 2.5 face mask the government will be small, will stop interfering with issues it shouldn’t tinker with, the federal budget will be balanced, and most of America’s social problems will be solved, because most of them have resulted from federal interventionist policies.
In fact, there are practical and constitutional arguments against every liberal domestic policy. Many things are not mandated by the Constitution but we are still paying for them and the government is trying to maintain them. Roads and highways for instance. Providing national defense in what way? We have a health crisis of epic proportions in the US, where more people die from treatable diseases and health issues that they cannot afford to pay for to treat,

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