What kind of parent will just leave their kid up there scared crying in front of alot of people? Friends tv show full quotes 3d ugly sweater Yes you are a parent but at least show some compassion here, and I’m sure there are people who also saw the rest of the girls dance
Friends tv show full quotes 3d ugly sweater
also we are looking at one video focusing on them i’m sure there are many other videos there that were focused on their kids. if he didn’t he probably would have been called a dead bet dad you can never fucking win with people . It’s honestly not the end of the world . Live a little it was funny and taught the little girl that she could carry on and not to be scared . Friends tv show full quotes 3d ugly sweater Yes unfortunately it may be a sad for the other girls but tbh I don’t think they cared as much as everyone over in this corner At that age especially, parents are so excited to see their little ones on stage,

probably for the first time”. This dad was excited to see his little girl on stage for the first time too. So he did what he thought would make his little girl want to do her dance. No teacher would let her cry nor remove her from the stage. Not all children are outgoing . Some are very shy and afraid. They require a little TLC. Bravo for dad being there for his daughter!!! I’m sure if the dad hasn’t showed up everybody will be talking about the little girl crying during the whole performance . Poor girl was really scared , she needed her dad at that moment that’s why he went up there.
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