the stimulus check was our tax money. God Jesus christian cross faith american flag Which he faught so hard to give more to large corporations. The best President we ever had. Trump 2020
God Jesus christian cross faith american flag
Covid 19 is global problem which all countries are fighting and the media cant ask stupid useless questions to Trump.He is doing his best for his Country. God Jesus christian cross faith american flag I am not a American Citizen but still i am speaking what i see he is doing good for his citizens. i know why… He has a set of balls of steel.. i wish he came to Canada… i never liked the guy… with out him you would of been in war already…. it’s her money not trumps and not everyone got because they make to much I agree a true child of God see right through him. A child of God control their mouth. Of course America practice free speech but a child of God have control over their mouth.
A child of God do what needed to lead and able to work with his enemy. before we bash abortion both sides have not respected life of innocent children of God. They bringing guns out to these protest around people children showing children violent behavior. It’s one thing to have a gun to protect your home, or to go hunting with but to come out in public and yelling showing these children anger, if they get upset get your gun and we wonder why they shoot up Churches, schools, malls. If we enjoy our rights for having guns why come out and be so stupid with it Canada can have him. Please take him. our checks and balances extend beyond Congress. Do Trump supporters know how to respond without insults? The Democrats and Republicans have essentially switched places in regards to ideology since the Civil War.

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