One of the guys just walked in and handed me a 10 dollar bill. Grim reaper bow hunter full printing shirt It was strange, I was just then, at that very moment, wondering who I could borrow 10 dollars to balance my account, off of. A miracle eh?
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they truly believe the world is their oyster, they take whatever their hearts desire; they believe it is all theirs for the taking. I, my children, and the homeless and vulnerable can actually shoot the fuckers between the eyes, stone dead, should they like to rape, pillage, and burn. I trust you have no children, no daughter, no son. Grim reaper bow hunter full printing shirt If they ever came to you and disclosed molestation by your neighbour, maybe even you, you would be exactly the type to claim they are lying.
They are crazy. They asked for it. I see you. I’m actually a very proud parent and I volunteer to help homeless veterans. Please go educate yourself on these matters. You sound like a babbling moron with the assumptions you’ve cast about on here. it does a world of good for everyone. Here is a little story for you, that is if you can read. And a kind of miracle just happened to me. I bought this group of street people last Thanksgiving, a pizza and a half pack of pop.

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