that’s a covenant that we make with one another and Groot hold james buchanan’s all over printed shirt God and you know the word says that when we marry one another that we have a three-strand cord that should never be broken
Groot hold james buchanan’s all over printed shirt
but I have kept my promise to cherish his love to honor and obey in sickness and health till death do us part I still wear my wedding rings and always will .people need to know marriage is sacred and don’t take your partner for granted ever .God bless everyone Yes to love your partner Groot hold james buchanan’s all over printed shirt unconditionally like how Jesus loved us even though he or she dosnt have d love that you expect him to give you coz his got another woman in his life
God knows what to do with your problem just ask Him to help you and His going to solve your problem in Gods time coz God has a better plan just pray This is so right. Some time we do not miss the one we love until they are gone. I love my husband ted rose ever day and night. I do miss my husband ted rose ever day and night. When we find that partner who makes us feel special who loves us and vice versa and we say those vows to be together forever remember those vows sacred

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